Monday, August 13, 2012

Slow down, Mason!

Mason turned four months on August 5. I can't believe how big he his! I love roly-poly babies! There is just that much more to love:) He's so cuddly, too!

Mason is definitely our little butterball:) He is such a happy and content baby. I love that he is sleeping through the night. He sleeps about 12 hours. He doesn't usually take very good naps. He might cat-nap for about 20-30 minutes on average 3-4 times a day. There are times that he will surprise us with a longer nap, but not often. I guess he's afraid he's going to miss out on something:) Right now, he's eating about 6-7 six ounce bottles a day. He loves watching his big brother play. Mason has been wanting to put anything he can into his mouth...his hands are his favorite! He's drooling like crazy, but not too fussy about it yet. I'm assuming that he's teething. So far, he's not rolling over yet. Dr. Mann said he might need more time, since he's a bigger boy. We are working on sitting up a little. We still have a long ways to go, but he is good for about 15 seconds at a time with no assistance or support. I'm going to have to have Grammy catch all these milestones on video for me. I'm sure he'll decide to do them all once I return to work next week:(

His appointment went great! Of course he cried a little with his shots, but he didn't have any side effects afterwards and was happy the rest of the day! I am still trying to accept that our baby isn't so little anymore:( 
Dr. Mann said that he would be attending Mason's first COLLEGE football game! 
These are the notes that we got from the doctor:

We didn't expect to get into the neurosurgeon so quickly. However, there was a cancellation, so we got lucky! Initially, we were scheduled for our evaluation in October. Mason had an appointment with Dr. Hubli at Cook's last Friday. He concluded that his torticollis is mild and that his flat head is only a level 3; which is not overwhelmingly concerning. Mason is a candidate for a helmet. We are taking him for his head scans on Friday and they will go ahead and fit him for his band. We'll know more of the details after that doctor's visit. For now, our job is to do LOTS of tummy time! Also, there are these head stretches that we will do at each diaper change to help with his stiff neck. 

This is a picture of Madden at 4 months! When I compare their pics, I see that they don't really look alike like I thought. They definitely have a few resemblances, but they are their own unique selves:) 


  1. I thought they looked alike too until you posted that pic! You will definitely be able to tell they are brothers but I don't think you'll be confusing which baby is which when you look back at pictures. Both are absolutely so so handsome!! Love that we are both mommies of 2 sweet boys! You are such a great boy mommy!!!

  2. Awww, you are so sweet! Thanks, Ash!
    You definitely win the mommy of the year award! You take care of both of your sweeties with so much grace! I so admire you for that. Parker and Levi are VERY lucky! Love ya, girl!
