Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Madden, How are you already 3?

I remember the night before you were born like it was yesterday...
I was so excited! I couldn't wait to see what you would look like. I wondered...What size would you be? Would you have your daddy's pretty eyes? Would you have any hair? Would I know how to take care of you and be a good mommy? I just was full of questions and anticipation! Before I went to sleep that night, Grammy and I were looking through a parenting magazine. I kept seeing all these sweet babies! Grammy would just laugh at me and smile when I said, "I want a baby with big blue eyes, curly hair, and rolls!" To my surprise...that's exactly what I got! The truth is...I really just wanted you to be healthy! You had a rough start, but you are now a VERY healthy and lively 3 year old! 
You have grown up so much this year! Your speech has really taken off this Summer and you amaze us with how smart you are! You keep us all giggling with your spunky personality. You can be SO sweet and you can also be a wild turkey! You like to show-off for people; which causes me anxiety at times, but I try to remind myself that you are three and I need to just roll with it. There are days when I wish our friends and family could be little flies on our wall. I would love for them to see how kind you are to Mason, listen to your super sweet manners, watch you help put the dishes up, and just all the little dream moments that REALLY do occur:) On the flip-side...I also love that you are energetic and have personality! We are working on finding a happy balance between how you act when it's just us and how you behave when we are out and about. Regardless, you are an AWESOME little boy!
This was the morning of your Birthday! You were so excited! We did a Mickey Mouse theme, so of course you had to wake up on your special day in style. You are Mickey's #1 fan right now! When I look at this picture, it's a bitter-sweet feeling. I realize that you are not a baby anymore. You have grown into a darling little boy. 
We took a family trip to Target to spend Madden's birthday money! Both boys were GREAT! He picked out these four gifts on his own. The first thing he picked up was the Minnie Mouse set. Mike and I both smiled, but that's what he wanted, so that's what he got! I loved when he pointed to the super heroes. I just knew he would REALLY play with these for a long time. He loves little figurines that he can line up and pack int and out of his backpack. They have been a big hit! Then, he got super excited about getting a FURreal puppy! Again, Mike and I just smirked at each other and put it in the basket. The last toy that he chose was a Spiderman car that actually came with spiderman and the Incredible Hulk. What three year old boy wouldn't want that? I love that Madden has a very diverse taste. He is definitely a kid who knows what he likes:) I don't think I am going to have to worry about peer-pressure with him. If you know Madden, you know he NEVER does ANYTHING that he doesn't want to do. Ha!
We celebrated Madden's Birthday at Pump It Up again this year! He loves to jump, slide, and eat cake. So, it was the perfect party place for his special day. All in all, it was a success. Madden let us sing to him at first, but then he started shouted, "Stop, Stop, Just Stop!". It was actually kind of cute! He was a big boy and blew out all of his candles by himself. Once it was time to open presents, he wanted to be Mr. Independent! We couldn't dare touch a piece of the wrapping or anything. He's a feisty one, but love him to pieces like crazy!
I hope your wishes ALWAYS come true!
 This was your Birthday bath! I'm pretty sure that you were still all sugared up! I also think that you could live on cake if we would let you. YOU are definitely MY child!

Here's a slideshow of pictures from the party...way TOO many to post!

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