Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mason Reid Morris Has Arrived

Mason Reid Morris entered this world on Thursday, April 5 @5:38 P.M. He weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces. Every inch of him is absolutely perfect!  

Birth Story: I went in for my 37 week check-up on April 2 (Mike's B-day). This was supposed to be just a regular appointment where they tell you that you are doing great and send you on your way. Well, that didn't happen.  I was admitted to L&D for high blood pressure.  I had to call Mike and tell him that he might be sharing his birthday with Mason, because it was a possibility that the baby would be coming today if my bp didn't stabilize. Once we were at the hospital, officially on bed bp was back to normal, even a little low at times.  Dr. Greve told me not to plan on going anywhere and that we would have Mason no later than Friday. 
So, over the next several days my bp went up and down, my liver enzymes were out of whack, and they even thought I might of had a blood clot.  Everything eventually worked it self out, but the doctor decided he would feel more comfortable going ahead and getting Mason delivered at 38 weeks just to be safe. Mike and I were ready! I was happy that Mason was going to be born on Good Friday and Opening Day for the Texas Rangers.  That seemed like the perfect day to deliver our precious baby on:) He was scheduled to be born at 9:00 on Friday morning.  I was super excited! Madden was born at 9:00 on a Friday morning, too. So, I thought that was pretty darn cool!  Plus, being in the hospital for this long can cause a family to go crazy! Ha!

Well, Thursday morning my nurse brought me my breakfast tray.  I was starving...until....they dropped a bombshell on Mike and I.  Very nonchalantly, these were the words that we heard, "Eat your breakfast, but then do not drink or eat anything afterwards. Your C-sec will be between 3:00-5:00 today."  What???? We had a plan!  We had already told our family and everyone had made arrangements. I was convinced that my nurse had me confused with another patient.  It turns out there was a scheduling conflict and we were in fact going to be meeting Mason later that afternoon.  I'm not going to lie, I was caught of guard and a little freaked out.  The sad part is that I was so caught up in thinking that Friday was such a perfect day and I loved that we had a plan.  After a few hours, I accepted that plans can change and all that REALLY mattered is us having a healthy baby and safe delivery for me.  Mike and Jayme worked hard to spread the word and make sure everything was taken care before our 3-5 time frame we were given.  The whole family made it in time to see me before I was taken back to the operating room.  So happy about that!  
For some reason, I became extremely nervous. I found this to be weird, because I was so calm the first go round with Madden.  I knew what to expect this time, so what had me so shaken up?  I was terrified from the minute I got on the operating table.  Scared to the point that I was in tears.  I really needed Mike, but as I already knew, he couldn't come in until they were finished prepping me.  My spinal block seemed like it took forever!  I felt as though I couldn't breath and I was having to bear hug one of the doctors for an uncomfortably LONG time, when all I really wanted was to see Mike's face.  I just couldn't let go of my fears.  Finally, they got it in and it was time to lie down.  I remember feeling VERY weird and oh so sick. In the next 10 seconds, the alarm on my monitor started going off. My blood pressure had dropped to 80/50 and I was concerned.  Once Mike came in, I was stabilized again and feeling pretty good.  It's in those moments where you are looking at your best friend and the love of your life and thinking, "Now that you are here by my side, WE can totally do this!" I felt a wave of calmness come over me.  Mike always knows exactly what to say to make everything alright. He never took his eyes off of me and he rambled the sweetest words to me the whole time. Once Mason was placed on the table beside us...our hearts just melted! I couldn't wait for Mike and the nurse to wheel our little bundle of joy passed our family on the way to the nursery. I was so proud of his little 7.9 pound self:)
We were discharged on Easter and have been enjoying our time home as a family of four ever since!

Mike and I want to thank all of our awesome family and friends. We have had SO many visitors!  Mason is incredibly loved! We are so appreciative of all everyone has done to welcome Mason into this world and the sweet things people have done to make Madden feel like a special Big Brother!  Our hearts are just over-joyed with all the kindness. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Warning:  Picture parade! Most of you have already seen these pictures on fb, but this blog is mainly for me to be able to come back and reflect on our family memories, so bare with me:) The majority of them will be in a slide show, but this has been a special time in our it's necessary!
My Sweet Hubs
Two of My Boys
 I Love this Little Guy So Much

 Brotherly Love

Madden Adores His Daddy

If Time Could Stand Still

 Thanks, Mom! You were a lifesaver:) I wouldn't have wanted anyone else. I love you!

I could hold this sweet pea ALL day!

How sweet is this?

My World


  1. Ashley, You did a fabulous job with this post. It shows off what a precious family of four you all make.

  2. I love the story!!! And I promise, we'll find a way to get together soon...can't wait to meet that beautiful kiddo!
