Saturday, November 5, 2011

Our Busy, Wonderful Life

My last post was a little mini-post on Madden's Birthday. I have needed and wanted to post so much since then. I am going to attempt re-cap our life over the past 2.5 months. The most exciting news I have to share is that Mike and I are expecting baby number two in April! We are very excited! I know that Madden is going to be a GREAT big brother!
We can't wait to be a family of four!
Now let's rewind back to August. Madden turned two on the 14th. We had a fun party for him at Pump It Up with all of his friends and close family members. That night, Donna
Graham took his two year photos. She did an amazing job! There are over 100 that we just love, but I obviously can't post all of them, so here are some for you to enjoy)

Again, there are SO many more, but this was just a little taste.
Here are a few of my favorite pics from his birthday:
I am so in love with these two! I adore how crazy they are about one another!
It's pure sweetness!
I think Mike was having as much fun as Madden on the slide!
This one was just funny to me! This is what happens when you try and get 15 toddlers and young children all to sit and look at the camera at once. Hey, this is REAL life! Ha!

The next day we had to return to school:( It was also Madden's two year check-up.
You can just tell that Madden thinks two is way cooler than one! He is Mr. Independent now. He wants to do EVERYTHING by himself. He just acts like such a big boy! This was a picture of him I took at his appointment. Surely you notice the stuffed animal in the background. Yep, that's Clifford. Madden has found a new love for all of his little animal friends. They MUST go everywhere with him. Quite frankly, I think it's just adorable!
Dr. Mann still calls Madden his, "Little Football Player!" He weighed 34 lbs and was almost 37 inches tall. This boy is growing so fast. Maybe he really will be a big football player one day. However, football makes me nervous, so maybe we can try a safer sport:) Golf?
When I went to pick up Madden after my first day of school, It was clear to me how much he missed Landry. I think Landry and Madden have a little tough love going on now. One minute they are kissing and hugging, the next they are pinching and biting. BOYS!

It's Fall, so OF COURSE we had to go to the...

Last year, My best friend, Charity, and I took our boys to a local Pumpkin Patch. So, we decided to go back again together this year. I'm pretty sure that this will be one of those things that we do every year together. I love little traditions!
We knew Madden had grown into a big boy recently, but we didn't notice how much until I compared last year's picture to this years. What a difference a year makes!
We need a pause button!
Madden wanted to find a big pumpkin!
While he was looking, he got distracted. Of course he was fascinated by this stick he found!
I finally caught him in a still moment:)
Although he tried to pick up every pumpkin he could, he was actually just giving this one a hug.
"Mommy, I found one!"
"Hey, where did all the pumpkins go?"

Another awesome thing we celebrated for the second year in a ROW is that our Texas
Rangers earned their way to the World Series! I sure wish we could have taken the title as champions, but I am so proud of those guys! Go Rangers!!!!!! My Aunt and Uncle from Jackson Hole, Wyoming were in town, so my Aunt Jayme hosted a Rangers Night. Lots of fun, family, and laughter:)
Grammy and Madden
Aaron and I
Here's Madden getting ready to take a swing at the Pinata.
Uncle Gary & Aunt Mary

Madden had a fun Halloween Weekend. His little girlfriend, Whitney Wells, invited him to her pumpkin decorating party. This was Madden's first year to decorate pumpkins. He painted just as much as he wanted to. The other little girls really got into it. It was so cute! They are extra creative. Madden was enjoying the eye candy more than his pumpkin:) Ha!
Whitney telling Madden what to do:) I think he liked it:)
Adding a splash of color to his pumpkin
Madden sharing his snacks with Sophie
Thanks, Katy for having us over. We had a great time!

MiMi Morris and I took Madden to Trunk or Treat on Saturday night. Then, Mike and I took him to the Hallelujah Fest on Monday night. His favorite thing at both festivals was the bounce house. He was so cute saying, "Jump, jump, jump!" MiMi bought him a Lightening McQueen costume. He looked mighty handsome.
Of course Monkey had to come along:)
Superman grew up fast in one year!
I was a proud mama! Madden was saying, "Please" and "Thank you" every time he got candy!
Our little pumpkin was pooped after a couple of fun-filled days:)

These next set of pictures are completely random, but still something I look at and smile. Little moments....Make big memories
This was taken the day that we met Ashley and Parker at the park for a play-date.
Madden is a big fan of the slide!
It might appear that Madden is enjoying the ride in the swing, but that's not the case. This was taken in the first 10 seconds. He really wanted nothing to do with swinging:(
Madden obviously thought it would be fun to take these stickers and put them all over his face. We actually thought it was cute:) However, he threw the biggest tantrum when it was time to take them off. Mike even tried to save them and put them on a piece of paper for him. Madden was just not having that idea. This was just a typical night at the Morris residence:)
This was taken at my really good friend, Missy's house.
Madden had never jumped on a trampoline. He was in heaven!
On this particular day, I caught Madden doing his "UP and down" song that he learned in school this summer. It was just the most adorable little thing. Next time I will video tape him.
This is the most recent picture of Madden and Landry being little hams at Grammy's. I give my mom SO much credit for watching these two all day, every day of the week while we are all teaching. They sure do look cute just hanging out in the fridge:) What happens at Grammy's never stays at Grammy's though:( Ha! We love you, Grammy!!!!

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