Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love is in the air & Our Love Bug is 18 months!

Somehow, our sweet Madden is 18 months old already! How did that happen? He is acting more and more like a little "boy" everyday!
Mike and I think he is just the most awesome Valentine EVER!
We started our Valentine's weekend out by going to Camden's 3rd Birthday Party. It was at the carousel at the Mall. Madden has always loved the carousel, but he just wasn't much of a party animal that night. I think he was just really tired:( Regardless, We were happy that we got to celebrate with the birthday boy!
Here is Madden with his other cousin, Landry. They are best buddies:)

Saturday, Mimi Morris wanted to spend some time with Madden. She thought it would be nice for him to have a sleepover at her house, so that Mike and I could enjoy an early Valentine's date together. As much as we missed Madden, it was really nice to have some alone time. We were able to go out to dinner and actually eat. Then, we went and saw the movie, Just Go With It! It was really good! Sunday, we were ready to pick up Mr. Madden! We can't stay away too long! Thank you Mimi for the "break". We enjoyed our date:)
Madden really loves playing with Prince at Mimi's!

Monday, Mimi took off work for Madden's 18 month check-up. Her and I took monkey man to see Dr. Mann bright and early. I am pretty sure he was still half-way asleep! He had this look on his face most of the time like, "Really, Mom...You are doing this to me at the crack of dawn....and you're taking pictures!"
He clearly was not a fan of the scale! He weighed an off the charts 30 lbs, 9 oz! He is almost 35 inches tall, just a big boy all around! Oh, Madden, that just means that there is more of you to love! No worries:) Dr. Mann says that you are doing great! You got one shot today and you weren't a happy camper! Mimi came to the rescue:)
He was better once he was able to get dressed and play with the rolling stool.

I hated to leave my little love-bug, but I had to go to work. I knew that Mimi Morris would take really good care of him and love on him all day for us!
By the time we left the doctor, he was clearly feeling just fine:) I couldn't wait to get back home to my two valentine's. Mike had a pizza and roses waiting for me! Madden was just as happy as he could possibly be! Grammy brought him a little shopping cart over the night before and he was just on cloud 9!
Thank you Grammy!

Mike thinks this is just the cheesiest pizza ever! I am a nerdy romantic and I think it is lovely! Thank you Papa Johns!
Our Little Shopper....I love how he has Scout in his buggy:)
Fire and Ice roses are so beautiful! They are an instant mood booster!

Thank you Aunt Amy for the cute Valentine shirt:)

Here is a little bit of what Madden has been up to lately.....a look into the life of an 18 month old!



Madden is growing up too fast!

Still loves to play in the kitchen!
He is obsessed with his play food and can identify ALL of it....Such a smart little cookie! I sure wish he would start talking about how much he loves his food! His favorite thing to do write now is ORGANIZE! He loves to put things in groups and "straighten." The child even has found a love for sorting laundry. Madden is definitely our little helper!
Mike and I came across this in one of our parenting books....If you have any children at all.....You absolutely have to know that this is right on the money! Enjoy!

Toddlers Creed

If I want it,

If I give it to you and change my mind later,

If I can take it away from you,

If it's mine it will never belong to anybody else,
No matter what.
If we are building something together,
All the pieces are mine!

If it looks just like mine,

If it breaks or needs putting away,


  1. LOVE IT! Especially the LOVE collage at the top! So sweet :)

  2. I love how you redid your blog! Very nice! I'm falling off the bandwagon....Parker turned 19 months and I didn't want to think about how my baby is almost 2 so no 19 month blog for us! I know you can sympathize :)

  3. oh, and did I mention that your banner is GORGEOUS!!!! Fantastic job girl!
